Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How many times did the Batmobile catch a flat?

What a day I had yesterday! Went to Galesburg to deliver a couple of bunnies - took a bunch of back roads because the road I usually take was closed (no signs till I was already reaching the dead center of just about nowhere) and it poured down rain till I could hardly see out the windshield. As soon as I hit the city limits the rain stopped instantly and the sun blazed.

On the way back I decided to avoid trying to remember my way back through the maze of dark & twisty gravel roads I'd taken and instead started along on the highway to Monmouth. I was boppin' along at 65 and a few folks passed me up and along came a little black ranger on my left and they honk... I look over and a very worried red-headed fellow points at my left front tire and yells "You've got a FLAT!!"

I pulled over and they pulled in ahead of me. They couldn't believe I hadn't heard/felt something wrong... But there was no funny sound or sudden change in stearing, nothing - I even had my window about halfway down.

All I could think was that when I'd come up the on-ramp and merged I'd hit a pothole - but I couldn't believe that the car had driven along just like normal. That tire was flat as a pancake!

Anyhow... There were two men in the truck, they had just gotten off work, and they stayed to change my tire & put the little "spare" on and even drove behind me to Monmouth to make sure I made it all right. I was sorry that they didn't follow all the way to Farm King... I wanted to buy those guys a case of beer! They didn't have to do more than tell me I had a flat & go on their way. Instead they took the time to help a stranger out on the side of a busy highway.

Most days I wonder sadly at the human capacity for cruelty and indifference. Then someone surprises me with the fact that I too easliy forget - that each kindness brings it's own brilliant spark of hope.

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