Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What a Reader!

A man doesn't learn to understand anything unless he loves it. - von Goethe

I am so pleased - Charles had discovered the true love of reading!

I'd brought home the first 3 books in a series by Tony Abbott, called "the Secrets of Droon" Previously I'd been having him focus on reading the Magic Treehouse series as part of our history studies... 2 chapters a day, discussion after, and he didn't really want to.

Well, I'd started out last week with the 2 chapters a day schedule on the first book of this new series "The Hidden Stairs & the Magic Carpet." After the first couple of days he seemed less reluctant to start his daily reading. Then this Monday I had him start the morning with the first two chapters of the second book "Journey to the Volcano Palace."

Yesterday he read chapters 3&4 aloud to Gillian in the morning and announced during our little picnic lunch that he wanted to read more in the book and get ahead on Wednesday's reading. Instead of reading just a bit he kept right on going! He finished the whole book - 10 chapters in just over a day!

To top it off he wanted to start the third book last night just before bed. So he read a couple of chapters in "The Mysterious Island." This morning he dove right back in - before even having breakfast. He just came in as I started this post to let me know he'd finished the book. Looks like I'll need to stock up on more next time. Luckily there are 30 books in the series & 4 special editions.

I am so excited! Here's what Charles will be reading next...

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