Sunday, April 22, 2007

New Blog, 80th Birthday, Yesterday's Turkeys & A Big Red Ribbon

I finally realized that my personal art blog is being over-run by more family related posts... Enter "The Brandon Family Blog" Please feel free to visit often, we always have something going on.

This weekend has been especially busy for us. On Friday my father celebrated his 80th birthday with a nice party - the house was full of family and laughter. We had a great time!
The Beautiful Cake (Thank you Aunt Carol!)

Aunt Violet, Aunt Carol, Charles, Dad & Gillian

(l -r) Cole, Charles, Aunt Violet, Suzie, Dad, Gillian, Aunt Carol, Tim, Patty, Carrie, Patty's husband, Zane, Annah, Sally, Jessie, Alyssa, Paul, & Danny

Saturday morning Cole, Gillian & I (Charles spent the night at Dad's house) woke at 3:45 am to get ready for a big day. Cole was headed out to hunt & Gillian & I were off to a rabbit show in Amana.

By Saturday afternoon we all arrived home successful. Cole had taken a nice turkey, cleaned it & even managed to mow the yard by the time I arrived with the kids, a red second place ribbon & two new little bunnies. Plus our neighbor, Bill, came by with his prize bird - Cole said he felt a little green - it was a huge tom.

Cole's TurkeyBill & His Turkey

Whew! What a weekend - and only half over... I'll be cooking a big bird tonight! - JoyceB

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